•Gamertag(s): FreshlyCutCake, CAKEBLASTR, OcR Cake
•Age: Old
•City: Oakville / Halton Hills
•Website: https://outcastreborn.com
•Occupation: Clan Mom
•How did you find HaloWheelmen?: LouieBlack
•Clan: Orange County Republicans
•Clan Status: Married
•Favorite Halo: Halo 2
•Favorite Playlist: Big Team Battle
•Favorite Weapon: @Hurrikanye
•Favorite Maps: Boarding Action, Derelict, Valhalla, Any H2 Map
•Favorite Music: Rap, Metal, K/J-Pop
•Favorite Shows: TNG, Picard, Mando, Expanse, Good Place, Anime
•Favorite Movies: Ace Ventura, Jingle all the Way, Ragnarok, Die Hard, LOTR/Hobbit, SW
•Favorite Games: OoT, Star Ocean 3, Halo, Overwatch
•Favorite Color: Purple
•Favorite Quote: "Have I unintentionally taken a leak with my mic on before; of course, who hasn't?"
•Favorite Food: Vietnamese, anything that doesn't kill me
•Dream Car: PodRide
•Hobbies: Turning Wheelmen into emoji
•Playtime and Timezone: After nap time, around 7 Eastern.