We will use this thread to discuss and record the best Comps/Strategies/Tactics for Season 10.
Quick summary for archive related records, after a month of being released in QP Brig was just released in competitive. Early comp choices revolve around a triple support meta, where brig acts as a pseudo healer/off tank. Additionally, her rally ability allows other heroes (most notably, Zen, whose shield/armor interaction makes him arguably the best hero to tank damage in some comps) to play off tank roles. This is a drastic change, because for the past few seasons, a 2/2/2 Dive has been the overwhelmingly popular option to run (although its worth noting that recent small nerfs/buffs have made other comps significantly more viable, from a near 100% dive pick rate to roughly a 70-30 split at the professional level). Its also worth noting that at the midpoint of this season, there will be some changes to Hanzo (removing scatter arrow for rapid fire and adding a large horizontal leap to his kit) that may make him the go to DPS option vs the high health pool comps we have seen from brigs armor. Far off into the future, there will be a change to symmetra that may make her significantly stronger, which is particularly notable considering her existing synergy with Brig's armor mechanic.
I'll update this post as the Comps/Strategies/Tactics become more clear.