ok here is my finished product. along with some details that may be needed for those who may need an explination for the training. (if you use it to train on the chaingun set damage modifier to 200%. also only train 2 at a time on the map otherwise the fusion coils lag and dont explode right) (also ideas about time trails below)
http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=80622300the map was made entirely by me with some feedback from wheelman and my xbl friends. the first few targets are wooden pallets that have a fusion coil behind them. and these first few targets are marked by blue columns. the next series of targets are mongeese 8 mongeese all randomly grouped near each other sitting on top of red columns and leaving this area just above the track there is a wraith that dies fairly easily if you shoot in the right place. after a series tube corners you find yourself driving out in the dunes again and the first of these next targets is marked with a blue column. these targets are sitting ontop of "block small"s and they are fusion coils. immediatly after those targets the track markers to the left and right are upside down stone plateforms. and the first of theses stone platforms on the right has a fusion coil on top of it, its another target. then the pattern of alternateing left and right targets continues for a small while then the last four targets are sitting one the four different stoneplatforms they mark the track just like the rest of them but the targets are on both the left and right sides. ALSO THE COURSE WORKS IN REVERSE BUT THE TARGETS CAN BE.... DIFFERENT TRYING TO HIT THEM IN THIS WAY.
someone also mentioned the possibility of doing time trials. so i figured i might as well set up some ground rules for if anyone were to start attempting time trials. first off there could be at least 4 different ways these time trials could be sorted. solo driving time trials, solo driving but in the opposite direction around the track, driving and shooting ALL targets, and driving and shooting all targets in reverse. and considering you could do it with either the guass or chain thats 8 different ways the time trials could be sorted. on to the rules.
time would start on the first second that headlamps for the warthog light up rounded to the nearest whole second. and time would end EXACTLY WHEN ALL 4 WHEELS are touching the ground after going through the mancannons and landing on the side of the dune near the beggining. driving outside the course is ONLY allowed if you are trying to line up the shot for your gunner. skipping or bypassing any of the track markers would make that run invalid (targets are not track markers). i dont know how this would work as far as posting but when you would submit your time/run you would use theatre to figure out your time. and you would have to put the video on your fileshare and post a link to it with your time. and then whoever would be in charge of the thread for submiting times would have to confirm times down to .001 seconds. and thats all i can think of to say about this map. thanks checking it out if you do.