While the linked-to-the-ground skybox bases are a really, really cool idea (the ability for long range vertical sniping/gaussing between the skybox and ground is amazing, for one), I don't think the "one-way-in-one-way-out" mechanic of the teleporters is gonna be very fun in the long run. Aside from the very risky "Banshee surfing" way (can somebody teach me how to do that plz?

), those teleporters are the only way to get to and
away from the flag.
A different solution (maybe for a different but similar map) would be to put those "skybox resources" into making the ground bases cover a larger area and/or building more structures/cover out on the dunes where players could spawn. Hopefully the latter would make the dunes play a little more interestingly, especially on foot (not that I don't enjoy the vastness of the dunes, but a BR can only reach so far).
When playing I didn't spend much time in the middle area of the map, but whenever I did, I was happy you guys had put so much cover there. It's relatively easy to spot someone in there because of the lightning, unlike when they're out in the "dark", on the dunes.