There are no weapons, and LOTS of grenades. It's a 1v1 - 6v6 map, there is a trench in the middle, that you shouldn't cross. You have normal shields and 110% health. (I may update it later with 90% shields and 100% health depending on how the tests goes, and what people think)
If you just DL just the map, you will have to use the honor system not to cross the gap. BUT if you DL the Game Varient, there is a "Sink Line" in the middle.
Basically it's a King of the Hill game variant. The "Hill" is in the trench and if you try to cross it you will be sucked down. Cause the Hill is 50% movement, and 200% gravity, and your shields deplete, so you aren't coming out. AND the other team has a free shot at you !!
Only reason it is KotH is so there is a trench, there are no hill points ALL points are from Kills.
I took all the weapons out (except Hammer) so that it is all grenades. The original had weapons like BR and Snipe but then I thought people would only use the weapons and it wouldn't be dodgeball =(
Map : True Dodgeball Map - Link Temporarily Down
Don't forget the Game Varient !!!!! Or you will

Game Varient : True Dodgeball Game Varient - Link Temporarily Down
I tried it out with Duce and Chico last night and it was a lot of fun. Duce eventually brought in friend so it was me VS them. Loads of fun!
I can't wait to try it with 4v4 or 5v5!
I'm really excited about this map and game type, I hope you guys like it!