Could people please post their opinions about Ascension, the map from Halo 2 Multiplayer, here? As some of you probably know by now, I'm going to try and remake Ascension using Sandbox; only, I'm going to try and reconfigure it so it's better for BTB situations. I though I should probably start a new topic, as this only very loosely relates to Sandbox. This forum also seems the most appropriate, because the map/gametypes one is only for already-made maps.
So please, post any grievances you had with the original, suggestions on improvements that could be made, ideas about what vehicles, weapons, and equipment I should be using, etc. To see Ascension in Halo 3 has always been a dream of mine, and I need your help to fully realise this dream.
I should probably start off, here. First of all, this map will not be as asymetrical as the original was. Second of all, it's goind to be geared mostly for aerial combat. Which means that each team will probably have a Banshee and a Transport Hornet, alongside two Mongooses. That said, I may look at adding a standard LAAG Warthog as balance requires; in fact, I'm already looking at it, right now. I'll just have to wait until I get the map to figure it all out.
That said, there are some things I'm hoping to do with this map. For instance, it's going to be far more... for lack of a better term, three-dimensional, than other Halo 3 maps thus far. That is, there will be the default playing field, on top of the map, but there will also be another field beneath it. Meaning, while the Mongooses, and Warthogs if I implement them, will spawn ready to drive towards the central dish, the Banshee and Hornet will spawn in a hangar at the bottom of the base. From there, they can choose to fly up and into the top level, or down underneath the main structure for dog fights.
That said, Warthogs and Mongooses will still be able to get down here, but air vehicles will definitely be in their element; while both parties will be able to utilise cover, Warthogs and Mongooses will likely flip off the edge, if they get hit with explosives. Think of driving down here as like driving around Rocket Spawn on Rat's Nest. Dangerous, but you can pull it off, and you can get to relative safety fairly quickly.
There will be "Tower of Power" on this map, too. Except, I'll be fixing it up, a bit. There'll be a Man Turret, standard, in each tower on this map. In the "Tower of Power" version, though, it'll be a Warthog rendered immobile and unusable, with except for the rear turret. It won't be indestrucible, but it will have a fast respawn. Oh, and access to one tower will be blocked.
Also, I appreciate the help offers from Zer0 Vis, Black Knight, and more recently, WakkaWakka; I'm an ideas man, and getting these ideas to be a reality could have been difficult without you guys. Discussion can begin now, if you please.
EDIT: Acknowledged WakkaWakka's help off. And posted links to screenshots of the pityful amount of work I've done so far...
From red base to centre dish. Note that the temple you see there is the largest single play area on the bottom level, whereas the top will have quite a lot of space.
Centre dish prong one. Like Ascension in Halo 2, you can climb up onto this and snipe. But don't expect a lot of cover. Or, any.
Bottom Dish. It's really more of a temple than a dish, but still. This is mainly for pedestrians. Vehicles can get here, but there isn't much turning space for a 'Hog.
Bottom of centre prong. Here you can see what I want the bottom to look like. But, I can't quite get it done, because all the damn blocks on Sandbox are uneven, so it's pretty hard to get it straight...