Should be able to get home in the middle of the 1st Friday session , and will be on for the 2nd Friday session . Most likely will be on 3rd Saturday session and sporadically on Sunday . If I happen to be on shoot me and invite if you are looking to fill any spots. EDIT: Usually run a late crew from ...
I don't know if that was Mauro's strategy, but based on my experience it seemed like the SD guys were picked about where I had them value wise based on stats.
Were your Mock Drafts only available with an HWM insider subscription?
Thanks Timmy. Unfortunately my only real combat stat is magic so it is what I have been using. I just got a t80 weapon and am using t75 armor, my stats are also low to mid level so those may contribute to why I have been struggling. Definitely will be studying the mechanics more and looking into im...
Thanks Timmy. Unfortunately my only real combat stat is magic so it is what I have been using. I just got a t80 weapon and am using t75 armor, my stats are also low to mid level so those may contribute to why I have been struggling. Definitely will be studying the mechanics more and looking into imp...
Kobe thinks his desk is messy? I'm the child king of messy desks!! (not pictured: dust) That's a 26" tv, my work laptop, and my halowheelmen surfing machine. And my old MacBook. Is your work laptop that sophisticated yellow and red gizmo next to the actual laptop...
I would enjoy to watch additional Backup film. Preferably in your POV just so you can breakdown what was your decision making process at the time. Backup-wise a competitive game maybe on another map and a solo game if you had one just to compare and contrast the different mindsets of driving. I woul...